Gen X'd Out I’ve Been Waiting For This Moment For All of My Life June 16, 2020 And yet, if now millennials are middle-aged, what does that mean for Gen X? What the hell? I was looking forward to beig old enough to complain about the next generation and suddenly it has skipped us and we are getting it from both sides. I feel cheated— Paul Gillings (@Dunedan) June 14, 2020 I love every gen Z teen mocking Millennials but also it feels slightly unfair that we’re getting it from both sides. Aren’t you supposed to be going after your parents? How has Gen X been dodging these generational bullets since like 1995— Louisa ?? (@LouisatheLast) June 15, 2020 The millennial/zoomer conflict is a pysop to distract us from the boomers— Ken Klippenstein (@kenklippenstein) June 14, 2020 Gen Z will never grasp the unmatched glory of writing a pointless note on a piece of notebook paper, folding it up like a football, and punting it across the room at your friend, then doing that 200 more times that day.— Heather Havrilesky (@hhavrilesky) June 15, 2020